Candice “CJ” Walker
CJ Walker is a wife and mom of three living with type 2 diabetes since 2019. She is a fervent advocate for chronic illness and diabetes.She is the author of The Genetic Diabetic Blog and serves as a moderator and contributor to the community. She’s also an ambassador and influencer for the American Diabetes Association, Blue Circle Voices network, Chronic Disease Coalition, and Healthline Diabetic App Community. CJ is also an active member in DiabetesSisters, the Virginia Diabetes Council, Beyond Type 2 and The Mighty communities.CJ believes that by sharing her journey, she hopes to inspire others and educate them about diabetes so they can get tested for their A1C levels and insulin levels, as well as find out if they are genetically predisposed to it. If one person could benefit from her story, then she knows that the journey was worth it.