Alexandra Muskat

Alexandra is a successful attorney, content marketer, and writer with a passion for intersecting a spiritual practice with modern medicine. Alexandra spent three years working in healthcare compliance and as a legal consultant for clients across the country drafting contracts. She holds a JD from Suffolk University Law School where she worked as the law clerk for the Chief Justice of the Juvenile Court while attending classes full time and working as a research assistant to provide positive psychology practices to future attorneys. At 19 years old, Alexandra was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and a slew of other autoimmune issues. Since putting them into remission several times and watching them come back, Alexandra has endeavored to build a life of balance and educate the community at large. Her mission is to prove that type 2 diabetes is more than a label and not something to be ashamed of, no matter the management plan. When she isn’t checking her blood sugar and email, she’s at Disney World with husband.