
Brooke Slick

Founder and Product Developer 

Brooke Slick is a spirited MS advocate, podcast host and blogger who counsels and connects with patients of all levels of disability from around the world.

Since MS entered her life 19 years ago, she has taken the long and unpredictable walk from able-bodied go-getter to disabled motivator. She draws on her personal experience of living through the physical decline of a once able body to thrive beyond the disability with a positive outlook that transcends any physical shortcomings.

If there is a bright side to a situation, she is going to find it and she’s not going to rest until you are able to pull yourself into the light as well. Her personal mantra, ‘disabled does not mean unable’ is a guiding force behind her message. She vows to empower people living with MS by helping to recalibrate the way they think about themselves and their future with a potentially disabling disease. She wants them to know there is happiness and worthiness to be found beyond your diagnosis.

Brooke’s time spent blogging her multiple sclerosis treatment journey while living in Moscow, Russia, for her followers from over 90 countries at www.msslick.com, and continuing to blog her everyday life at www.brookeslick.com has served her well as she transitioned to full-time advocate. Saying out loud what others are thinking but are afraid to share is her forte. She believes truth telling can heal the soul and free you of a self-encumbered future.

Since May of 2019, she’s used her voice and connections within the MS community as a host of The MS Gym Podcast with download numbers doubling since she came on board. Never wanting to miss out on any segment of the MS community, her episodes have featured anything from applying for Social Security disability, to diets, to depression. Most recently, she was asked to host the MS Gym’s 2020 Virtual Thrive Summit where she interviewed renowned experts in the fields of telemedicine, anxiety, nutrition and the MS connection to the Epstein Barr virus. Brooke’s story has been shared in publications such as the book and podcast, Healthcare Elsewhere, as well as many newspapers, newscasts and medical publications. Using her own experience as a stepping stone, for the past seven years she has been the lead admin for a global group of 7000+ members seeking stem cell transplants for various autoimmune diseases. In addition, she has a loyal following from the autoimmune sector on Instagram and Facebook.

Last, but definitely not least, Brooke created and subsequently patented a versatile mobility/assistive device aimed at providing its users with the independence, relevance and engagement in life that they deserve. She is currently seeking manufacturers to entertain licensing the device while providing international distribution to users in need around the globe. Originally from Pennsylvania, with a legal, medical and marketing background, Brooke spent 10 years based in New York City while traveling the world, and five more in South Florida where her daughter was born, before returning to her roots in Pennsylvania with her husband, Doug.