
Jakub Chaudik

Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer 

I’m currently an undergraduate student in Computer Science at MIT. I have a long-term interest in healthcare, and particularly in cancer, due to many health issues my family had to endure. As a result, I have pursued computational research of cancer immunotherapy at MIT, developed a microfluidics device for accelerating cancer drug development at the National University of Singapore and started my company ConquerX. ConquerX is developing a multi-cancer diagnostic platform based on proprietary nanomaterials and machine learning. Our Metachip platform uses electrochemistry to measure the concentration of cancer-related biomarkers in blood or biopsy samples. We are currently testing our prototype on 3 different types of cancer. Moreover, our technology is portable to other diseases as well, which we demonstrate through our collaboration with a research laboratory in Brazil on the development of a novel test for diagnostics of syphilis. We are alumni of MassChallenge Boston and MassChallenge HealthTech, currently raising our seed round and looking to expand our team.