Jesse Hawkins
Jesse is both a non-drinker and founder of The Mocktail Project, a mission based project helping to create a safer, more inclusive, stigma-free drinking culture. Jesse began his career in business consulting, helping streamline small business needs. In 2017, on his sobriety date, Jesse walked away from the comforts of his corporate life to start his newest journey in his professional career, The Mocktail Project.
In 2017, in conjunction with the start of his newly formed mission, Jesse traveled cross-country for more than two years. He achieved his goal of visiting all 48 lower states in early 2019. His personal goal during this time was to try new activities he once thought were impossible to do while sober. Professionally, he wanted to embrace new ideas and spark new conversations around sobriety and the alcohol-free community. Today, Jesse leads national campaigns in the alcohol-free community partnering with big spirit brands. This fall, The Mocktail Project will be introducing the first mobile mocktail bar in Bourbon Country. On 4.16.2020 Jesse celebrated six years of active recovery & three years since forming The Mocktail Project. In that time, The Mocktail Project has crafted and served more than 35,000 alcohol-free cocktails for those choosing not to imbibe.