Kelly Close
Kelly Close founded Close Concerns in 2002, a healthcare information company focused exclusively on Diabetes and Obesity. Kelly has lived with Diabetes for 30 years. The Close Concerns team are tireless in their efforts to change the face of Diabetes and write over five million words per year on Diabetes, Obesity and Health. Ms. Close is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of diaTribe, an educational resource for people living with Diabetes, founded in 2006. She is also Chair to The diaTribe Foundation, a nonprofit established in 2012 whose mission is to advocate for action and to improve the lives of people with pre-Diabetes and Diabetes. Prior Kelly worked as investment banker at Goldman Sachs, in Medical Technology equity research at Merrill Lynch and Piper Jaffray and for McKinsey & Company where she focused on pharmaceutical, managed care, and nonprofit organizations. Kelly has a BA in Economics and English from Amherst College and an MBA from Harvard Business School.