
Sangeeta Agarawal

CEO and Founder 

Ms. Agarawal is passionate about empowering people to live life to the fullest by making integrative medicine accessible to people where they are. She started her career as a software engineer in Silicon Valley, working for companies including IBM, Motorola/Google. She then developed the world’s first mobile video technology at a startup which was later acquired by Skype. This invention continues to change the world even today.
She then changed her career into integrative medicine by studying, practicing, and conducting research in both eastern and western medicine. She spent the next decade as a researcher, oncology nurse, and integrative medicine practitioner at institutions including the Mayo Clinic, Stanford Cancer Center, and UCSF Cancer Center. Her groundbreaking research work on the development of algorithms for clinical impact of integrative medicine was recognized by UCSF and the NSF. She received support from them to start Helpsy, the world’s first Artificial intelligence nurse for wholistic symptom management and navigation (SAN).
Ms. Agarawal is passionate about empowering people in health care to understand and be at the forefront of the technology revolution.