
Lauren Freedman

Mental Health
Los Angeles, CA

Lauren Freedman is an entrepreneur, voice actor, writer and activist who lives in Los Angeles.

Originally from NYC, she’s seen her fair share of “Top Docs” and was first diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease and sleep disorders in 2017. This sparked her interest in the invisible illness community and her fellow “Spoonies”, with whom she wishes to commune and share information, inspiration, and comfort while advocating for greater awareness among friends, family, coworkers, and society at large. Lauren graduated from London’s Royal Academy of Dramatic Art with a BA (Hons) in Acting in 2008, and has worked extensively in fashion to pay the bills. She’s a longtime student of the School of Hard Knocks and What’s-A-Matta-U. Fall down seven times, stand up eight.


An award-winning podcast about invisible conditions and chronic invisible illness, featuring interviews with survivors, their loved ones, advocates, and experts in varied healing modalities, from medical to holistic. Hosted by Lauren Freedman, a voice actor, writer, and activist, who lives with Hashimoto’s disease and sleep disorders, Uninvisible uncovers real stories of survival and humanity – complete with laughter. In truth and with candor, we offer solutions – and challenge the world to change. Winner, Best in Show: Podcast – WEGO Health Awards 2019.